Generative Music

Generative Music (Without AI), Part 1 AI has been grabbing the lion’s share of headlines lately, as any new technology does. However, did you know there are other techniques besides AI? Some of these are old, some are new—but ALL can stimulate creativity and don’t require any programming or the most powerful GPUs currently available.… Continue reading Generative Music

Mindfulness For Musicians

Mindfulness for musicians is simply the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Easy, peasy, right? So is breathing—and while mindfulness is also autonomous (usually), just like breathing, it’s a skill that can be learned, practiced and improved. Why bother though? Let’s explore some of the benefits of “being in the moment”… Continue reading Mindfulness For Musicians

Meditation for Musicians

Meditation is a practice that has been around for centuries, and it has been shown to have many benefits for both physical and mental health. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in meditation among musicians; they’ve discovered that it can help improve their creativity, focus, and performance.  In fact, research has demonstrated… Continue reading Meditation for Musicians

The Benefits Of Remixes

Remixes, also known as reimaginations or reinterpretations, refer to the creative process of altering an existing piece of music by adding new elements or modifying the original composition. One of the most common types of audio collaboration, remixes have become increasingly popular in the music industry and have numerous benefits for artists in building a… Continue reading The Benefits Of Remixes

How To Collaborate Easily And Successfully?

Collaborating on music can be an enriching and rewarding experience. To ensure a smooth and successful audio collaboration, here are some tips from the Tonic Audio Team: By following these tips, you can foster an environment conducive to successful collaboration, allowing you and your fellow musicians to create music together effectively and enjoyably.

The Art Of Negotiation

The art of negotiation is the skillful and strategic process of reaching mutually beneficial agreements between parties who have differing interests or positions. Negotiation occurs in various contexts, but here, we’re going to focus on negotiating audio collaborations. Mastering the art of negotiation involves understanding the principles, techniques, and dynamics that contribute to successful outcomes. … Continue reading The Art Of Negotiation

How Can I Avoid Scams When Doing Musical Collaborations?

Whether we like it or not, the music industry is rife with scams and people looking to separate you from your money. To avoid scams during an audio collaboration you should be cautious, conduct thorough research, and exercise good judgment. These tips are a good place to start… Before entering into a collaboration, verify the… Continue reading How Can I Avoid Scams When Doing Musical Collaborations?