✦Remix Responsibly

At Tonic Audio we love a good remix contest. It’s more than just showcasing your skills; it’s an excellent opportunity to enhance your abilities, forge new connections, and introduce your music to a fresh audience. However, delving into the world of remixing brings along its complexities, especially when it comes to legal considerations. So, what’s… Continue reading ✦Remix Responsibly

Categorized as Remixes

How to Create a Remix Challenge

Music is not a competition but sometimes challenging yourself to create something that’ll get honest feedback is a great way to build your confidence. Yay for confidence! Something all of us could use a little more of ✨. Tonic Audio is ideal for creating a remix challenge with friends. Here are some steps to get started: Remember to have… Continue reading How to Create a Remix Challenge

The Remix: Monthly meetups for DIY Musicians

This month we’re starting a new thang! Collaboration is one of the best-kept secrets in music. This month’s meetup is in Reno, our hometown, at a local spot called The Holland Project. The Holland Project is an all-ages arts and music initiative by young people, for young people, in the Truckee Meadows. Holland Project’s aim… Continue reading The Remix: Monthly meetups for DIY Musicians